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Nothing But Net

The object of Nothing But Net was to have a higher score than the other alliance by scoring balls into the High and Low Goals.  A Ball scored in the Low Goal is worth 1 point, and a Ball in the High Goal is worth 5 points.  There are also Bonus Balls that can be scored.  A Bonus Ball scored in the Low Goal is worth 2 points, while it is worth 10 points in the High Goal.  Robots can also be elevated low or high.  A robot that is Low Elevated is worth 25 points and a robot that is High Elevated is worth 50 points.  There is a 15 second autonomous period for the robot to follow its program. The alliance with the most points after this period gets the Bonus which is 10 points.  Each robot must start off on a colored foam tile, not touching any field objects, any other tiles, or any robot. In the matches, you are given 4 Balls, which is your preload.  Robots can’t enter the Opponent’s loading zone at any time.  Robots also can’t hold more than 4 scoring objects at one time.  Robots can also expand more than their normal perimeter only when they’re completely within the volume of the Climbing zone, and only when there is less than 30 seconds left in the match.

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